As I mentioned in my previous post, a pretty exciting project came about last week. The release of Projected Twin's debut album ' EARTH TO WORLD'. I'd been in collaboration with Shaun Holton of PT for over a year and was lucky enough to be asked to provide the album art for the release as well as some behind the scenes photography.
I attended studio recording sessions and was given complete creative freedom to produce some art that was truly fitting to the mood and music.
The album is available from various online stores (as mp3 release) or you can click here where you'll be able to:
a) Buy an autographed copy of the limited edition Earth To World CD Digi-Pack, complete with full color art/lyrics/credits booklet.
b) Make a donation of your choice and download the album as MP3s
c) Download the entire album completely FREE of charge
The album is truly a masterpiece. I've listed to it so many times and am truly captivated.
Please support PROJECTED TWIN and share the link around :)