May 29, 2011

Mega Clothing Sale - Mink Pink, Ladakh, Insight + Much More!!!

I am having a MEGA clothing sale over on ebay this week :) There are so many gorgeous pieces of clothing that unfortunately I don't get to wear throughout the week as I am restricted to corporate office wear. 
Many of the items in my store are beautiful and will be much better off in someone's else wardrobe who can give them the attention they need. 
Hope on over to my ebay store here to grab yourself a bargain: 

(please note it states postage only in Australia however if you are overseas and see something you like send me a message on ebay and I can easily adjust the postage). 

May 16, 2011

“Just as we, and all life on earth, stand on this tiny speck, adrift in infinite space, so life in the universe will only exist for a fleeting, bright instant in time. Because life, just like the stars and the planets and the galaxies, is just a temporary structure on the long road from order to disorder.
But that doesn’t make us insignificant, because we are the cosmos made conscious. Life is the means by which the universe understands itself. And for me, our true significance lies in our ability, and our desire, to understand and explore this beautiful universe.”Brian Cox, Wonders of the Universe

May 6, 2011

James Anthony Apparel.

I LOVE... Revenge; satin; Capri and Acapulco; men who wear flannel; champagne and caviar; mink; turbans; mink turbans; oil; torturing those of a lower social station; yelling; hissing; blackmail.