Nov 21, 2010

there's a fire in your heart

Here is one of my latest photos (I haven't been able to shoot much lately because I've been sooooo busy) - im selling my Olympus e-30 (including the entire kit) DSLR and getting my hands on a Canon EOS 60D :) I've never really had any issues with my Olympus, its only a year old but it just doesn't feel like me so I thought I'd look around and find a connection to something else. 
I'm really excited not only for new technology but because change always leads you to the unfamiliar, something I'm always hoping for. 
I've also been shooting a bit of film lately (mostly on my golden half) so once I finish the roll of film I will try to get some up here to share. 
Hope everyone is enjoying their November so far. I can't believe how close Christmas is... and the end of the 2010 completely, YIKES!!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I love the look of your whole blog!

