Apr 29, 2012


Little photo session with my gorgeous nephew Jared yesterday. This kid has the most mesmerizing eyes.

Oh and I am now an avid instagram(er) - most of the photos I upload there are shot solely with my iphone so you won't be able to find them uploaded to my portfolio or flickr. You can add me @thisisepic.

I've also been shooting a lot more film lately and just picked up an awesome camera bag for my DSLR (backpack to fit DSLR, lenses, batteries and laptop). Mostly for my trip to NZ in November so I don't have to carry two seperate bags (I got flights at a bargain price - soooooooo excited to go see some fresh new land).

Apr 18, 2012

a walk around this neighbourhood

It's so easy to just be inspired by your surroundings, I find much more than it is to draw inspiration directly from people. These are some photos from just a basic walk around my neighbourhood. Camera in hand and just observing.